Boorowa Local Health Advisory Committee

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


Boorowa Local Health Advisory Committee (LHAC) has hit the pavement running searching for services that could be of benefit to the Boorowa community.

Two services that have been very proactive in highlighting awareness of the varied services they can provide the community are Boorowa Meals on Wheels and Young Community Transport.

Public awareness and an increase in the number of local residents accessing services and events offered will help ensure the longevity and development of future services from Meals on Wheels and Community Transport for Boorowa.

The first Meals on Wheels Boorowa Meet and Eat event will be held at Boorowa Ex-Services Club on April 2.

Everyone will meet at 11:30 am for a 12 noon meal together.

The cost is $15 per head for a half-size chicken schnitzel with vegetables, mashed potatoes and gravy, with a delicious apple crumble and tea and coffee to finish.

RSVPs are due by Tuesday, March 26, and should be made to Young Community Transport on 6382 1518.

Alternate dietary needs can be catered for main meals only. A gluten-free option includes crumbed fish and a brownie for an additional $5 surcharge.

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