Breaking The 40-Year Drought

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix

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The mighty Rovers celebrating their well-earned victory.

The Boorowa Rovers made their community incredibly proud by winning the first grand final in 40 years.

On September 9, the town of Boorowa was decorated in green and gold in support of the Rovers Rugby League team.

The boys arrived in Crookwell tremendously nervous and hopeful, little did they know in a few short hours they would bring home the shield.

Both Crookwell and Boorowa played a hard and fast game but Boorowa was just a bit too quick for Crookwell and beat them in a stunning 22 - 8 win.

Retired players, many who played in the last grand final win, came along to watch history in the making.

After the game, celebrations began, starting with the long bus trip home to arrive at the Courthouse Hotel to an enthusiastic welcoming party.

Supporters sat outside in the cold weather until the boys came up the street, as soon as the bus was within eyesight the Boorowa Rovers chant began with a huge round of applause. The celebrations did not stop for many until Monday, September 11.

Now the season is over, the Rovers have the presentation to look forward to. It will be held on September 16 at the Boorowa Ex-Services Club starting at 6:30 pm. Contact Sharon at 0428 941 960 if you wish to attend.

The Boorowa community have supported the Rovers from day one and will continue to support the club next season.

The boys have made Boorowa very proud and this win was an emotional moment for many.

The community can’t wait to see what the next season brings.

Congratulations to the team and the club for the incredible win.

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