Gardening in March

Written by: Glenice Buck


With this recent drop in temperatures do you think Autumn has arrived? I have been waiting for my favourite season to commence however it has been a bit late this year.

Now is the time of the year I start getting more inspired to do many more garden tasks. Summer always feels a bit like a holding period for me where you do the essential tasks like weeding, mowing, watering and more mowing! There never seems to be time to do much more.

Now is when I’m really trying to switch the focus to more exciting tasks like fertilising, mulching, dividing plants and the best part- planting.

A few words of advice on each of these tasks.

Fertilising – always water in your fertiliser well after spreading or even better apply fertiliser right before you are going to receive a good amount of rain. Mulching – spread a layer of newspaper out before you spread your mulch. This will give another barrier to suppress the weeds.

Dividing Plants - I love growing plants that as they grow they also multiply. Plants such as agapanthus, alchillea and salvia will keep on giving throughout their life span. These plants are plants that I consider high value and very worthy plants for my garden. I like to share these divisions with friends.

Plantings – The planting season is upon us. Now is the perfect time to be sourcing your spring flowering bulbs. This year I am planting more unusual varieties of Daffodils including a collection of the Pheasants Eye Daffodils and the gorgeous Parrot Tulips.

If you would like a comprehensive guide to all the garden tasks for Autumn come to my garden workshop at Glencara – Home to the Rustice Maze on Saturday 6th April from 10am – 1pm. We will do a deep dive into all of these topics. Ticket Cost: $95 per person (this includes attendance, workshop notes and a light lunch)

Tickets to be purchase via Try Booking link
Or Contact Glenice on 0417077386 or email

Glenice Buck Designs – Target

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