Harden Health Advocates Ready To Kick Goals

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


Harden Local Health Advisory Committee is determined to serve the local community as advocates for health issues.

The Harden Local Health Advisory Committee (LHAC) took off running with their first meeting and election of office bearers done and dusted.

Elections resulted in Lauren Masson as LHAC Chair, Alex Sherborne as Vice Chair, Angla Leitner as Communications Officer and Rita O’Connor as Secretary.

Harden LHAC members are Lauren Masson, Alex Sherborne, Rita O’Connor, Helen Bruce, Jess Pettitt-Sachs, Macy Henderson, Alicia Madden (staff representative) and Angla Leitner (staff representative).

Harden LHAC will be pivotal in advocating for health in the Harden, Murrumburrah and broader community.

Ms Masson invited members of the community to contact representatives of the LHAC to talk about their health needs and concerns.

“We aim to improve communication about health services in our area, and as part of our role as advocates is to ensure community sentiment is communicated to health providers.

“We would like local people to feel that they can come and talk to us about their concerns and provide feedback so that we can communicate these issues effectively with the MLHD and the MPHN.”

Harden joins 28 other LHACs across the Murrumbidgee region, all advocating for better health outcomes and representing the needs of their community. LHACs play a key role in forming a link between the community and the health service and are a valued part of the Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD) and the Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN) team.

The LHAC is supported by MLHD Harden Facility Manager Steve Evans and MPHN’s Shelley Gledhill.

MLHD and the MPHN work in partnership to improve the health literacy of the community and to drive improvements in the regional health system in the provision of integrated, patient-centred care.

The LHAC will hold a planning and priority-setting session in the coming months to evaluate data around health services in Harden and to establish steps moving forward.

Reach out to any LHAC member or contact https://msnswlhd.snapforms.com.au/form/mllhd—lhac-contact-form to provide feedback to the Harden LHAC.

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