How Do You Feel About Growing A Mullet For Mental Health?

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


Why not celebrate your mullet for a worthy cause? Grow your mullet and raise crucial funds for Mental Health research.

Did you know that suicide was the leading cause of death in males aged 15 to 44?

Registrations to the Black Dog Institute’s Mullets for Mental Health fundraising campaign are now open.

Black Dog Institute has called on Australians to show they’re all ears on the importance of mental health by growing a mullet and participating in Mullets for Mental Health.

It is hoped the campaign will see thousands of Aussies shape and start growing a mullet to raise funds for crucial mental health research and show support for the one in five Australians experiencing mental health illness each year.

Mental health problems can occur at any age, but over 75 per cent occur before the age of 25.

Over half of the people living with mental illness will not seek professional help.

Nine people (seven men and two women) in Australia die by suicide every day.

You can help by registering for Mullets for Mental Health:

  • Visit to sign up for free;
  • Shape, grow and let it flow - start growing those luscious locks;
  • Start conversations and fundraising to help fund crucial mental health research; and
  • In April, show you’re all ears by shaving in and styling your mullet.
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