Sue & Steph - Boorowa Pharmacy

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix

boorowa pharmacy

A Trusted Family Business – The Boorowa Pharmacy

Sue Corcoran is a well known Boorowa local, who not only volunteers and gives her time generously to many projects, but is also a very trusted member of the community.

The Boorowa Pharmacy has been owned by Sue since 1988 and in 2019, her daughter Steph joined the business.

Sue finished her Pharmacy degree in 1980 and after graduating, worked in Sydney, Broken Hill and Nyngan, before moving to Boorowa in 1985. Steph is a well known member of the Pharmacy, as she worked as a teenager and throughout her studies in the business, during holiday breaks. Steph, following Sue’s footsteps, completed her studies in 2014, then commenced work in Lockhart, Gundagai and Canberra, before moving back to Boorowa in 2019.

Both Sue and Steph have a passion for helping others and by owning and running the Pharmacy it allows them to deliver on this.

“The Pharmacy allows you to support and help a wide range of people in the community,” Sue says.

The Boorowa Pharmacy supplies the community with all their medication, healthcare needs and support, vaccinations, health services, webster packs, cosmetics, gifts and most importantly, advice from trusted sources.

Sue raised three children with the support of her husband Mark whilst running the Boorowa Pharmacy. Mark also assists with the bookwork for the business.

Boorowa Pharmacy

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