Winners Of Annual Lambing Flat Sculpture Wood & Big Art Exhibition Revealed

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


Young’s Trevor Payne won a People’s Choice Award for his 3D sculpture Wedgetail Eagle.

The 2024 Young Society of Artists Inc (YSA) 16th Annual Lambing Flat Sculpture Wood & Big Art Exhibition was another huge success.

Events like this annual exhibition don’t work without considerable input from a lot of different groups and individuals, including artists, organisers, sponsors and visitors.

The People’s Choice winners were:

  • Dallas Nyberg from Cowra for his 2D painting Rottie; and
  • Trevor Payne from Young for his 3D sculpture Wedgetail Eagle.

Raffle winners were:

First prize, Taste of the Hilltops Hamper donated by Hilltops Honey went to Wendy Slater.

Second prize, a painted porcelain plate donated by Robyn Moore went to Therese Crowe.

Third prize, a photo by Maree Myhill donated by YSA Inc, went to Jim Cronin.

YSA members thanked everyone who took part in the 2024 Hilltops Off the Beaten Track Art and Cultural Trail.

RottieIMAGE: Cowra’s Dallas Nyberg from Cowra won a People’s Choice Award for his 2D painting Rottie.

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